Friday, May 13, 2011

Top 10 foods with HIDDEN High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)!

1.       Soda- almost all sodas will have a large quantity of High Fructose Corn Syrup in it. Often times as the main ingredient. This is pretty well known.
2.       Breads- a lot of refined breads have HFCS added to them as well. Even if it says “wheat” you run the risk of coming across a good amount of it. Be sure to read the label.
3.       Cereal- YES! We all know the typical cereals for kids contain it, but EVEN your healthy well-loved cereals can contain it as well. Hey, they don’t call it special K for nothing.
4.       Ketchup- ketchup is a huge condiment especially in the United States. Think twice before you add it to EVERYTHING even your eggs. It can add up very quick.
5.       Salad Dressings- most salad dressing have some HFCS in them but the reduced calorie and lite versions are riddled with it. We are all told to eat salads to be healthy. Well do just that. EAT JUST THE SALAD not the dressing.  If need be, try making your own there are tons of recipes out on the web and it is not hard to do.
6.       Cereal and Granola bars- we have all been told cereal and granola bars are an excellent on the go snack. However, that comes from the same company who makes the snack. Don’t think it is just the cheap imitators either. A lot of top brands add HFCS to their products.
7.       Liquid medicine- there is a huge amount of liquid medicines on the market today and the majorities have HFCS. YES your kid’s medicines have it as well. How do you think they can make it somewhat palatable for kids? Heck, adults can barely take this stuff down.
8.       Ice Cream- now I know this sounds silly because we all know ice cream is not a health food. At least not for most. Because of this idea we all tend to not even read the label. Perhaps in an attempt to fool ourselves and attempt to add humor to our lives. Avoid it as much as possible due to its obvious reasons.
9.       100 calorie snacks- these are light in calories because they take out all the nutrition and add sugar. Well what is cheap sugar? You guessed it, HFCS.
10.   FAST FOOD- another obvious bad idea for health, but, the obvious area one would think about HFCS is the soda. Not so fast. Try again; it is in the bread, buns, fries, cheese and meat. And if you want a salad. Yup the dressing has it too. ALL fast food is processed AVOID it as much as you can!!